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Monday, November 9, 2009

10 Weeks 1 Day

By the end of Week 10, your baby graduates from embryo to fetus, which literally means "little one."

Your baby has finally morphed from a little tadpole into, well, a baby. Not only is the face more human-like, but that unflattering "tail" (really just the developing spinal cord) has disappeared, fusing into the spinal column.

Your baby now has discernible fingers and toes, which will explain the steady stream of kicks and punches you'll feel down the line.

Junior's skeleton is starting to grow and harden. The ears are beginning to take shape and the eyelids are no longer transparent. Tooth buds are forming, although your baby won't get any teeth until six or seven months after birth.

Baby's brain will make an incredible 25,000 new neurons every minute this week. While you may feel like you're losing as many as he's gaining, we can assure you it's not permanent. "Pregnancy brain," like nausea and bloating, is a temporary symptom that soon shall pass.

If you're baby is a boy, he's started producing that macho hormone testosterone. And whether your baby is a boy or a girl, the kidneys are creating copious amounts of urine.

Baby weighs only 4 grams and measures 1½ inches.

Yea!! I am a quarter of the way through. Lookin forward to getting to the halfway way mark to find out the sex. We can't wait!!

Things that have happened this past week:

-Went to an informational appointment with the nurse. She gave us a lot of information to read about the dos and don't (most I already new)& a small "diaper bag" full of samples, MORE literature, etc. We both got the H1N1 flu shot which was great. I didn't want to wait in line for that. We also got the hospital guide/registration information. I will be delivering at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett (which I already new). They have a great Family Maternity Center and we are very comfortable having our baby there.

-I ordered 2 pair of maternity jeans that should arrive any day now. My ONE pair of jeans that fits now are getting a little snug. I now just have to find work pants and some new bras. I am very picky about those two things and HATE shopping for them. I'll bring Joey with me and make him choose what I get. Problem solved.

-I finally booked my flights to go see Elysia in January. I will be looking forward to getting out of this cold weather and be warm for a nice long weekend. In the meantime, Joey and I will be picking out paint colors and furniture for the baby's room because hopefully that is what he will be doing while I am gone. I am gonna try to get the "gender" ultrasound appointment the week before I go so Joey can actually paint and put together furniture. Hopefully it works out.

I feel ok this week. I have contracted a cold. I tried to not take meds and have my body fight it on its own like I usually do but that doesn't seem to be working. I broke down and took my arch nemisis...Robistussin. I HATE HATE HATE that crap and haven't taken it since I was maybe 10 years old. BUT I was only getting worse and to my surprise it actually didn't come right back up like in past experiences. Success!