13 weeks
There is a milky membrane that surrounds your baby. It is pierced by the umbilical cord and is made up of two layers, which are fused together. Your placenta provides most of the nutrients and oxygen that your baby needs. By this week, the placenta is well formed and ready to take over hormone manufacture from your ovaries. The placenta will produce progesterone and estriol. These hormones will be crucial in the maintenance of your pregnancy. Tissue that will form your baby's bones is being laid down, especially around the head and limbs. The nose and chin are becoming more prominent. Your baby's eyelids meet and fuse together and they will not open again for nearly four months. The eyes started out on the side of your baby's head and they are now moving closer together on the face. The ears come to lie in their normal position on the sides of the head. The sockets for all twenty teeth are formed in the gums, and vocal cords are beginning to form.
I am heading into the 2nd Trimester and I feel pretty good. I can't complain really. Just still tired most of the time but I try to get plenty of rest.My 5 day Thanksgiving weekend was good and relaxing. Wednesday we had our NT scan which went well so far. Still waiting on the blood work to come back. Joey and I enjoyed seeing our baby again. This time the images were more clear and we got some great head shots. We couldn't be happier. I am gonna try to get the "gender" ultrasound for 19 weeks so its before I head to Arizona. That way Joey can start getting the room ready while I am gone and Elysia and I can SHOP!! Hopefully it works out that way.
Thanksgiving was great. We had all the food ready to eat by 1pm. It was delicious like usual. After we ate we all went bowling which we try to do every year. It was fun. I helped my nephew Gage bowl for the 1st. Meaning I helped him push the ball down the lane. We did well and actually beat Joey. The rest of the weekend I pretty much relaxed, did some baking, decorated our tree, helped my dad put up his outside lights (I just supervised to make sure he did it to my liking) and had some quality naps with my kitties. Now on to the holiday season which is my absolute favorite time of year. We have a ton of fun things planned!!!!
How far along?: 13 weeks ish
Total weight gain: still only 3 pounds since the start
How much does baby weigh?: close to an ounce
Maternity clothes?: Just pants for now
Stretch marks?: nope
Sleep?: its ok - I still get up to pee a lot
Best moment this week?: Seeing our baby again on the ultra sound
Movement?: not yet
Food cravings?: waffles and lots and lots of milk
Labor signs?: no way
Belly button in or out?: in
What I miss: not peeing every 5 seconds
What I'm looking forward to: getting my energy back
Milestone: getting to the 2nd Trimester
Monday, November 30, 2009
Well hello 2nd Trimester- Nice to finally see you!!!
Posted by The Amaral Family at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
12 weeks (ish) & the rest of the world knows.
Your baby's crown-to-rump length is almost 2.5 inches and she now weighs between 8 and 14 grams! In just three weeks, your baby's size has more than doubled and begins to look a lot more human. Even though you won't be able to feel your baby moving at this time, you can stimulate him and he will squint, open his mouth and move his fingers or toes.
Because most of the structures are already formed at this point, few will be formed after this time. The structures will continue to grow and develop throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. Your baby's skeletal system now has centers if bone formation in most of the bones. The digestive system is capable of making contractions that push food through the bowels and it is also able to absorb sugar. The pituitary gland beginning to make hormones. You will probably be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with a Doppler at this time!
Your baby develops reflexes and the skin is very sensitive.
The brain is fully formed, and the child can feel pain. the baby may even suck his thumb. The eyelids now cover the eyes, and will remain shut until the seventh month to protect the delicate optical nerve fibers.
And the world finally knows. No more secrets. Not that I can hide it anymore. I am in full on Thanksgiving pants.
So, here are the details from our 1st appointment on Friday:
We both woke up early because we couldn't sleep. Our anxiousness was getting the best of us. So Joey cooked breakfast and we showered and needed to leave the house to keep ourselves busy. We went to Starbucks and got our usual holiday drink, Eggnog Chai = YUM!! Then we went to this plant nursery called Molbaks in Woodinville and wondered around all of their Christmas stuff (which is amazing). Then we went to Target, World Market, Costco, Fred Meyer. Anywhere we could find that would keep us busy since our appointment was at 2pm.When we got to the docs office we only waited like 5 minutes before they were already for us. At this point my legs were shaking and all I wanted to do was see our baby. Once the doc came in she gave me a short exam and then did a vaginal ultrasound (aka - the dildo cam) We immediatly saw the baby pop right up on the screen and then a few short seconds later we saw the heart beating. It was the most amazing thing we had ever seen. I immediatly started to cry. The doc said that everything looked great and the baby was measuring about 12 weeks 1 day (which is a little more than how far a long I was at 11 weeks 5 days). The baby was moving around a lot so we got a few good pictures and got some time to just stare at our creation. It was amazing. Then when that was over I asked if we could hear the heartbeat. She said that we could but she didn't want me to get upset if we didn't hear it because it was still a little early. I then said that since we saw it pumping away that I wouldn't get upset. So, she grabbed the doppler and moved it around on my belly and about 10 seconds later we heard it. It was a strong 160 beats per minute. It sounded so amazing. So overall the appointment went great and the doc said that everything looked and sounded great. She gave me an estimated due date of June 7th, 2010. I was only a day off in my calculation. So from now on I will just say early June since its only an estimated due date. But anyway, my nerves are finally at ease. I have my NT scan on wednesday so we should be able to get a few better pictures and they will also test for down syndrome, spina bifida, etc.
One thing that totally sucked about friday was that right before I gave a urine sample to the nurse my freaking phone fell in the toliet. It was in my back pocket (don't remember putting it there) and when I pulled my pants down it fell in (good thing I hadn't peed yet). So after my appointment we had to go to the apple store and drop a couple hundred bucks for a new one. I surpringly didn't really give a crap. I just saw our baby for the 1st time. Plus I needed a new one anyway...mine other one was starting to give me trouble.Anyway, I feel good. I am still very tired all the time and could fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. I just noticed in this picture I look very tired. Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 5:30pm. Maybe its cuz I didn't get my Sunday nap in. Saturday I took a 2 and half hour nap. I probably haven't done that since I was like 5. But, if my body tells me I need to rest - I gotta do what I gotta do. Still no nauceousness yet. I could still get some because everyone is different, but I am hoping I am one of the lucky ones that doesn't get it.
Here is a fun little survey I came across that I will include in some of my posts.
How far along?: 12 weeks (ish)
Total weight gain: 3 lbs
How much does baby weigh?: 8-14 grams
Maternity clothes?: Just pants - My shirts will last a little longer
Stretch marks?: NOPE
Sleep?: Its ok. I get up between 3-5 times a night to pee but I nap like a champ
Best moment this week?: Seeing and hearing our baby for the 1st time = AMAZING
Movement?: not yet
Food cravings?: French fries, french fries and ummmm more french fries
Labor signs?: no way
Belly button in or out?: in
What I miss: People not telling me "Get the rest while you can, cuz when the baby comes you won't know what rest is." ummmm DUH....bite me.
What I'm looking forward to: seeing our baby on ultra sound again on Wednesday
Milestone: I will hit the 2nd trimester next week - woo hoo
Posted by The Amaral Family at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
10 Weeks 1 Day
By the end of Week 10, your baby graduates from embryo to fetus, which literally means "little one."
Your baby has finally morphed from a little tadpole into, well, a baby. Not only is the face more human-like, but that unflattering "tail" (really just the developing spinal cord) has disappeared, fusing into the spinal column.
Your baby now has discernible fingers and toes, which will explain the steady stream of kicks and punches you'll feel down the line.
Junior's skeleton is starting to grow and harden. The ears are beginning to take shape and the eyelids are no longer transparent. Tooth buds are forming, although your baby won't get any teeth until six or seven months after birth.
Baby's brain will make an incredible 25,000 new neurons every minute this week. While you may feel like you're losing as many as he's gaining, we can assure you it's not permanent. "Pregnancy brain," like nausea and bloating, is a temporary symptom that soon shall pass.
If you're baby is a boy, he's started producing that macho hormone testosterone. And whether your baby is a boy or a girl, the kidneys are creating copious amounts of urine.
Baby weighs only 4 grams and measures 1½ inches.
Yea!! I am a quarter of the way through. Lookin forward to getting to the halfway way mark to find out the sex. We can't wait!!
Things that have happened this past week:
-Went to an informational appointment with the nurse. She gave us a lot of information to read about the dos and don't (most I already new)& a small "diaper bag" full of samples, MORE literature, etc. We both got the H1N1 flu shot which was great. I didn't want to wait in line for that. We also got the hospital guide/registration information. I will be delivering at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett (which I already new). They have a great Family Maternity Center and we are very comfortable having our baby there.
-I ordered 2 pair of maternity jeans that should arrive any day now. My ONE pair of jeans that fits now are getting a little snug. I now just have to find work pants and some new bras. I am very picky about those two things and HATE shopping for them. I'll bring Joey with me and make him choose what I get. Problem solved.
-I finally booked my flights to go see Elysia in January. I will be looking forward to getting out of this cold weather and be warm for a nice long weekend. In the meantime, Joey and I will be picking out paint colors and furniture for the baby's room because hopefully that is what he will be doing while I am gone. I am gonna try to get the "gender" ultrasound appointment the week before I go so Joey can actually paint and put together furniture. Hopefully it works out.
I feel ok this week. I have contracted a cold. I tried to not take meds and have my body fight it on its own like I usually do but that doesn't seem to be working. I broke down and took my arch nemisis...Robistussin. I HATE HATE HATE that crap and haven't taken it since I was maybe 10 years old. BUT I was only getting worse and to my surprise it actually didn't come right back up like in past experiences. Success!
Posted by The Amaral Family at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
9 Weeks 1 day Pregnant
Big news! You may be able to hear the heartbeat this week with the help of a Doppler. The first time you hear baby's heart, your own heart may skip a beat—it's the first real evidence that there's someone growing inside you! If you can't hear the heartbeat, no worries, your doc will just check again in a few weeks. Other amazing developments this week:
Baby is beginning to move, but you won't be able to feel anything for some time.
Baby is growing nipples and hair follicles. His pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and anus are all in place. Your baby's head is half the size of his body and his little chin is tucked into his chest. His tiny tail is beginning to shrink away, giving Junior a more human and less amphibious look.
Until now, all pre-babies look the same "down there." This week, however, your baby will begin to develop either male or female genitalia. While you won't be able to find out the gender of your baby for several more weeks, the version you'll give birth to is being developed right now.
At this stage, your developing fetus is 1-inch in length, about the size of a martini olive and weighs a mere 2 grams—a little less than a penny.
Yea!! This week we have our first appointment. It is just with the nurse to go over various tests I will be getting, costs, procedures, health history, etc. Not sure exactly what else will be involved but I am excited to get this ball rolling. Our 1st ultra sound where we get to see the baby and hear the heart beat is still the Nov. 20th but its inching closer.This week I still feel ok. I have a little more of the "run down" feeling where all I wanna do is sleep. I am starting to eat more foods. Still having trouble eating "healthy" foods but I am trying. And my belly is becoming more prominent. So prominent that I had Joey take a picture. If you look closley you can see something there. Its mostly just bloat, but not sure how much longer I can hide it.
Posted by The Amaral Family at 6:48 AM 0 comments